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Covid 19 Policies

  • Masks are optional

  • Only dancers, teachers and staff will be permitted inside the studio (lobby is closed). There will be designated class observation times. 

  • Dancers must bring their own water bottle. 

  • Dancers will be dropped off and checked in outside the front door. 

  • Please have young dancers already in their tap shoes if they are in a combo class. They may bring a small dance bag with ballet shoes and water bottle.

  • Dancers may arrive 5 minutes before the start of their class time to be checked in. The first 5 minutes of each dance class is also devoted to arriving and getting settled into dance class. At the end of class, the teacher will bring the dancers out front of the dance studio for pickup. 

  • Dance room high touch surface areas and props will be wiped, cleaned and sanitized before and after each dance class.

  • If you child is quarantined from school then they also need to be quarantined from MRD 


Thank you for your continued patience and support.


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